Menlo Park House of Light Fetches $5.5 Million

Designed by the late modernist architect John Thodos and built on a wooded Menlo Park lot eight years ago, the award-winning “House of Light” at 625 Hobart Street, which first hit the market in 2016 priced at $8.5 million, has sold for $5,537,500 or roughly $1,099 per square foot.

But having been reduced three times since originally hitting the market, most recently to $5.8 million, the sale of the concrete and steel frame home, which features walls and ceilings of structural glass and is finished in cedar, with Tasmanian oak flooring and African Afromosia wood cabinetry inside, is officially within 4.5 percent of asking according to all industry stats and reports.

BlogKelly KangMenlo Park